What is Packer ?¶
Packer gives the ability to automate image builds. It will allow us to create customized template with pre-defined generic configuration.
List of supported configuration¶
Version is pinned in configuration file.
Distributions :
- Ubuntu
How does it works ?¶
actor User
User->>Packer: Launch packer command
Packer->>Hypervisor: Connect to hypervisor API<br>and ask hypervisor to create VM
create participant VM
Hypervisor->>VM: Create and start VM
Packer->>VM: Typing boot sequence<br>and tell the VM to connect to Packer HTTP server<br>to get cloud init configuration
Packer->>Packer: Start HTTP server<br>and serve rendered cloud init configuration template<br>(minimal configuration)
VM->>Packer: Download configuration through HTTP
VM->>VM: Proceed to autoinstall<br>and reboot at the end
Packer->>Packer: Waiting availability of SSH server
Packer->>VM: SSH to the VM<br> and wait end of cloud init execution
Packer->>VM: Execute ansible playbook deploy_packer.yml<br>to finish VM configuration
Packer->>Packer: Shutdown VM,<br>remove CD-ROM,<br>convert VM to template<br>and stop HTTP server
How to open/close ports ?¶
represents the packer http server port
Open port
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <PORT> -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Packer"
ufw allow <PORT>/tcp comment "Packer"
Close port
iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport <PORT> -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Packer"
ufw delete allow <PORT>/tcp
How to expose packer HTTP server from WSL ?
represents the IP used to connect
represents the port used to connect
represents the packer http server ip that will be accessible through <WINDOWS IP>:<WINDOWS PORT>
represents the packer http server port that will be accessible through <WINDOWS IP>:<WINDOWS PORT>
To create a port forwarding rule open powershell prompt with admin right
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Packer' -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort <WINDOWS PORT> -Action Allow netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress=<WINDOWS IP> connectaddress=<WSL_IP> listenport=<WINDOWS PORT> connectport=<WSL PORT>
To delete a port forwarding rule open powershell prompt with admin right
Remove-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Packer' netsh interface portproxy del v4tov4 listenaddress=<WINDOWS IP> listenport=<WINDOWS PORT>
Configuration is stored in packer
Packer use 8888/tcp port for this HTTP server.
represents the proxmox password used for HTTP API
Init plugins
uv run task packer:init
Generate ubuntu template
uv run task packer:ubuntu